Nurse Jessie Morton’s Autograph Book Part One


Talking of little books, as we did last time (before I forget, those of you who have read the previous Butte de Warlencourt post will find I have added a couple of documents you might find of interest at the end of that post), here’s another one.

Quite a number of pages are unfortunately empty, but 29 are not.  Here’s a few of them:

SCN_0011 (2)


All the dated entries in the first part of book were written on 3rd September 1915, when a certain Nurse Morton, the owner of this little book, was leaving Tylney Hall Hospital in Hampshire for pastures new.




The second half of the book has entries from various dates in 1917 when she was at Bath War Hospital:



SCN_0034 (2)

Fascinating, eh?  You can now find the second installment here.

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5 Responses to Nurse Jessie Morton’s Autograph Book Part One

  1. Did Sgt. Barnes S.W.B. write Driver Davies’ entry for him?


    • Magicfingers says:

      Hadn’t spotted that! Could well be the case, couldn’t it?

    • Magicfingers says:

      In fact, Kath, I think you’re dead right. There’s a third page I’ll post sometime that looks like his hand with another soldier’s signature after it. Well spotted you!

  2. Sid from Down Under says:

    Yes indeed well spotted, Kath!

    I suggest it shows the close comradeship such as Sgt Barnes writing for his mate Driver Davies to sign. One can only but imagine whether Driver Davies was able to write other than his signature at the time and asked Sgt Barnes to “please mate will you write this for me”. Notice the different form “r” so the signature is not the main message writer – what I’m trying to say is Driver Davies signed it.

    So poignant. It would be wonderful to “know the full story” behind the entry. You have created some wonderful thoughts in my imagination, MJS

    Some wonderful wartime budding artists too!

    • Magicfingers says:

      And I suggest you are spot on, Sid.

      It’s a lovely little book, isn’t it, and I knew you’d like it. And actually you have yet to see the best piece of artwork (in my opinion). All in good time.

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