Category Archives: The Menin Road

Every Picture Tells A Story No.2

For a number of years now I have wanted to show you two particular photographs, and, now that both are in the public domain, I can do just that.  Not that there is anything unusual or particularly special about them … Continue reading

Posted in The Menin Road | 12 Comments

The Menin Road – Hooge Crater Cemetery

Before we begin a new tour, which we shall be doing soon, there’s a cemetery, one of the largest to the east of Ypres, in fact the very first CWGC cemetery that I ever set foot in, back in 2005, … Continue reading

Posted in The Menin Road | 22 Comments

The Menin Road – A Return to Birr Cross Roads Cemetery

A return trip to Birr Cross Roads Cemetery, exactly four years and one week after our last visit, but this time not a sign of precipitation in the air.

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The Menin Road – R. E. Grave, Railway Wood & the Liverpool Scottish Memorial

The Cross of Sacrifice at R.E. Grave, Railway Wood, looking up from deep within one of the mine craters that can still be found in the trees near the memorial.

Posted in The Menin Road | 14 Comments

The Menin Road – Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Memorial

Those of you familiar with the area will be well aware that we are not actually on the Menin Road here, which in fact runs beyond the trees in the distance, which in turn hide the Bellewaerde Theme Park (thank … Continue reading

Posted in The Menin Road | 2 Comments

The Menin Road – Sanctuary Wood Cemetery Part Two

If you were driving down the Menin Road, on the right in this shot, looking for something to do, somewhere to go, you really wouldn’t be able to resist these signs, now would you?  Sanctuary Wood Cemetery, Hill 62, trenches, … Continue reading

Posted in Sanctuary Wood & Hill 62, The Menin Road | 4 Comments

The Menin Road – Sanctuary Wood Cemetery Part One

Sanctuary Wood Cemetery is about a mile from the Menin Road, reached by turning off down the Canadalaan, which curves round the southern end of the wood on its way to Hill 62, a short distance further on.  I can’t … Continue reading

Posted in Sanctuary Wood & Hill 62, The Menin Road | 9 Comments