Category Archives: Shot at Dawn

French Flanders: Richebourg Part Three – St. Vaast Post Military Cemetery

The twin entrances to St. Vaast Post Military Cemetery.  This is the third and final part of a short tour of Richebourg in French Flanders, the previous two posts of which can be found here.

Posted in French Flanders, Shot at Dawn | 6 Comments

Mont Kemmel Part Twenty – Locre Hospice Cemetery & Loker Hospice

On the outskirts of Loker, which is actually behind us, because the sign is one-sided, and thus we are looking east here, back up the road towards Mont Kemmel on the horizon, there’s a cemetery. 

Posted in Kemmel, Loker, Shot at Dawn | 8 Comments

Mont Kemmel Part Eighteen – Loker Churchyard

We’ve seen Loker church before, but only from a distance. 

Posted in Kemmel, Loker, Shot at Dawn | 7 Comments

The Elverdinge Burial Grounds Part Five – Bleuet Farm Cemetery

The final post in our Elverdinge series takes us to Bleuet Farm Cemetery. 

Posted in Elverdinge, Shot at Dawn | 12 Comments

The Elverdinge Burial Grounds Part Three – Ferme-Olivier Cemetery

Ferme-Olivier Cemetery, the road to Elverdinge, three quarters of a mile to the east, on the left. 

Posted in Elverdinge, Shot at Dawn | 14 Comments

The Elverdinge Burial Grounds Part One – Hagle Dump Cemetery

At the end of the previous post we found ourselves here (see inset), if you remember, having just spent some time in Red Farm Military Cemetery, one of the smallest cemeteries in the Salient.  The four tall poplar trees that … Continue reading

Posted in Elverdinge, Shot at Dawn | 20 Comments

Poperinge Part Five – The Condemned Cell & Execution Courtyard

“I could not look on Death, which being known, Men led me to him, blindfold and alone.”  At the start of this tour of Poperinge, I said that we would return to the centre of town in due course, and … Continue reading

Posted in Poperinge, Shot at Dawn | 35 Comments