Category Archives: Zillebeke

Hallowed Ground

It’s a chilly, misty morning as we debus, or decoach, at the little crossroads beside this roadside calvary, Calvarie Van Kranenburgstraat, three quarters of a mile east of Klein-Zillebeke.  The coach is parked on the main road between Zillebeke, two … Continue reading

Posted in Zillebeke | 21 Comments

A Return Walk in the Palingbeek

It’s the afternoon of Armistice Day 2018, and the Palingbeek looks glorious in the late autumn sunshine. 

Posted in Zillebeke | 8 Comments

A Return to Hill 60 – The Victoria Cross Actions of April 1915

‘Though poppies grow in Flanders fields’.  And the poppies are no myth, although this tranquil scene, looking west towards the spires of Ypres (Ieper) away on the horizon, would have been one of utter desolation for much of the Great … Continue reading

Posted in Bunkers, Hill 60, Zillebeke | 4 Comments

A Tour of Zillebeke Update

Some five years ago now, I published a series of eight posts taking you round the cemeteries south of Zillebeke lake, its rather ungainly title, ‘A Tour of Zillebeke (South)’, being at least accurate, if hardly tongue-tripping.  Since then, Baldrick … Continue reading

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A Peaceful Christmas to One and All

Snowy Flanders fields, north east of Zillebeke lake.  Happy Christmas everyone.  Thanks for tuning in this year.  This little site has been up and running for five years now, but it would all be a little pointless without you lot.  … Continue reading

Posted in Zillebeke | 12 Comments

A Tour of Zillebeke Part Four – Zillebeke Demarcation Stone

Fifty yards to the east of Blauwepoort Farm Cemetery, another of the nineteen Demarcation Stones still to be found in Belgium can be seen on this traffic island at the turn-off that leads to Zillebeke village.  They were erected in … Continue reading

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Seasons Greetings

A snowy blanket softens the Hill 60 landscape.  Hope you’re having a cool Yule folks.

Posted in Hill 60, Zillebeke | 2 Comments