Category Archives: Postcards

German & Austro-Hungarian Official Field Postcards

Great War postcards are strange creatures.  They allow us the most personal of insights into the men and women who wrote them, and yet at the same time they represent one of the largest military administrative operations ever seen, considering … Continue reading

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Christmas 2023 – Bonne Santé

A Christmas card for Christmas day.  Journée du Poilu – literally, Poilu’s Day.  The poilu on the left on this postcard is living up to his name, poilu meaning ‘hairy’. 

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A Quartet of Curious French Postcards

I shan’t be saying much about these cards.

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Great War Postcards No. 62

‘The Lucky Charm of the Allies.’ 

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Great War Postcards No. 61

‘A call roars like thunder, like the clash of swords and the pounding of waves’, or some such nonsense.  You might remember that back in March 2020, as we all locked down for the first time, I began a series of … Continue reading

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The Propaganda of Conscription Down Under Part One – The Referendum of 1916

The issue of conscription was one that all the countries of the Commonwealth would have to deal with at some point during the Great War, and Australia was no different. 

Posted in Australia, Books, Documents, Maps & Artwork, Conscription, Postcards | 3 Comments

The Army Postal Service – Censor’s Stamps

The Haldane Reforms of the early 20th Century saw the winds of change sweep through the British military.  Richard Haldane, Secretary of State for War between 1905 & 1912 (and Lord Chancellor for three years thereafter), had introduced a huge … Continue reading

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