Category Archives: Books, Documents, Maps & Artwork

A Subaltern’s Lot

So, young man, you think you have what it takes to be a subaltern in the King’s Army?

Posted in Books, Documents, Maps & Artwork | 5 Comments


‘Certain severities are indispensable in war, nay, more, the only true humanity very often lies in a ruthless application of them.’ In 1917 two books, entitled ‘The Retreat from Mons’ & ‘The Marne and After’, written by a major in … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Documents, Maps & Artwork | 7 Comments

The Propaganda of Conscription Down Under Part Two – The Referendum of 1917

Here we go again.

Posted in Australia, Books, Documents, Maps & Artwork, Conscription | 2 Comments

The Propaganda of Conscription Down Under Part One – The Referendum of 1916

The issue of conscription was one that all the countries of the Commonwealth would have to deal with at some point during the Great War, and Australia was no different. 

Posted in Australia, Books, Documents, Maps & Artwork, Conscription, Postcards | 3 Comments

The Propaganda of Conscription – The Military Service Act of 1916

The most famous image of the Great War was originally designed as a magazine cover.  Bet you didn’t know that. 

Posted in Books, Documents, Maps & Artwork, Conscription | 2 Comments

New Addition

So what’s all this then? 

Posted in Books, Documents, Maps & Artwork | 17 Comments

Lice, or La Main Coupée

Now, I don’t usually do this, in fact I don’t think I have ever done so before, but I am going to recommend a read for you.  Until last week, this little book had resided for decades, unread, in a … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Documents, Maps & Artwork | 11 Comments