Category Archives: Thiepval

The Somme: Thiepval – Mouquet (Mucky) Farm

Our final Thiepval post is a bit of a curiosity, in that there are only a handful of photos, and all were taken from a moving automobile.  Nonetheless, Mouquet Farm was a crucial German strongpoint during the summer of 1916, … Continue reading

Posted in The Somme, Thiepval | 6 Comments

Thiepval – Mill Road Cemetery

Interesting place, Mill Road Cemetery.

Posted in The Somme, Thiepval | 2 Comments

Thiepval – Connaught Cemetery

Beneath the trees at the north eastern edge of Thiepval Wood, this is Connaught Cemetery.

Posted in The Somme, Thiepval | 14 Comments

The Trenches of Thiepval Wood

This is the view that the men of the 36th (Ulster) Division would have had on the morning of 1st July 1916, as they left their trenches on the edge of Thiepval Wood and advanced towards the German lines on … Continue reading

Posted in The Somme, Thiepval | 22 Comments

Thiepval – The Ulster Memorial Tower

Thiepval Wood, looking south from the position of the German front lines in the summer of 1916.  Away to the left the Thiepval Memorial towers above all, and on the horizon just to the right of the memorial a small … Continue reading

Posted in The Somme, Thiepval | 3 Comments

Travels on the Somme Part Two – Thiepval: The Leipzig Redoubt

If you remember, we had just left the Thiepval Memorial…

Posted in The Somme, Thiepval | 33 Comments

Travels on the Somme Part One – The Thiepval Memorial to the Missing & Thiepval Anglo-French Cemetery

Earlier in the year the family Baldrick, along with yours truly and the missus, took a trip down to Amiens to spend a few days exploring the battlefields of the Somme.

Posted in The Somme, Thiepval | 4 Comments