Category Archives: German Grenades

German Hand Grenades of the Great War – The Stielhandgranate M1917

German soldiers pose for the cameraman with their M1917s. 

Posted in German Grenades, Weaponry & Relics | 2 Comments

German Hand Grenades of the Great War – The Stielhandgranate M1915 & M1916

Time to replace some old, now-deleted, posts about the German Stielhandgranate with this brand-new far superior one.  Well, I think so.  All the collage pictures of grenades within mauve borders in this post are examples – some of which are … Continue reading

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The Rifle Grenade Part Three (or German Grenades of the Great War Part Eight) – The Karabingranate M17

The Germans’ response to the French Viven-Bessière grenade we looked at last time was the Karabingranate M17, introduced in 1917. 

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The Rifle Grenade Part Two (or French Grenades of the Great War Part Four) – The Viven-Bessière Grenade

Here’s a neat, but deadly, little thing. 

Posted in German Grenades, Weaponry & Relics | 2 Comments

German Hand Grenades of the Great War Part Four – The Eierhandgranate Model 1917

A few years ago I published a post about the German egg grenade, or the Eierhandgranate Model 1917, as it was officially known. 

Posted in German Grenades, Weaponry & Relics | 15 Comments

German Hand Grenades of the Great War Part Three – The M1915 Diskushandgranate

What’s in the box? 

Posted in German Grenades, Weaponry & Relics | 10 Comments

German Hand Grenades of the Great War – The Stielhandgranate M1917

June 2024: Better late than never.  Or, at least, I hope so.  A brand new post can now be found here: The Stielhandgranate M1917. (September 2021: For those of you arriving here via some far-off link, this post is currently … Continue reading

Posted in German Grenades, Weaponry & Relics | 3 Comments