I Prefer a Blond (but don’t tell the Missus)

Spent the afternoon photographing some local war memorials and churchyards that I hadn’t got around to visiting yet, and am now settling down in the Man-Cave to watch the Champions League Final.  With a beer.

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14 Responses to I Prefer a Blond (but don’t tell the Missus)

  1. Chris from Belgium says:

    You deserve it!

  2. Baldrick says:

    As you probably know, I prefer a nice brunette… Cheers my friend!

  3. Rick Lsw says:

    Bottoms up!

  4. Rick Law says:

    Do I see an F1 Williams on the table?

    • Magicfingers says:

      Indeed you do Rick. Our Nige giving Ayrton a lift, Williams FW14, 1991 British GP. I was there – didn’t miss a GP in this country between 1983 & 1994. Saw all the greats of the pre-Schuey era win over that period – oh, don’t get me started on this!!!!! I could go on for hours!

      • Magicfingers says:

        And did you spot Gilles Villeneuve’s helmet (among others) on the window ledge? My personal ‘favourite’ driver, but I sadly never saw him race, my first F1 race being the Race of Champions*, Brands Hatch, 1983, a year after he was killed.

        *won by Keke Rosberg, btw. See, I’ve started now…….

        • Steven Hearnden says:

          My dad’s claim to fame was Keke Rosberg stopping and asking him for a cigarette after his car had broken down at an F1 race at Brands Hatch, back in the day!

  5. John says:

    Football season doesn’t start till fall here, but I had a rare trio of a very good IPA on my way home tonite. Very glad to see your floor appears dry. Nicole says hello to Amelia. Mordred, and Ewen however are quite indifferent to the existence of other kats in the world.

    • Magicfingers says:

      Cheers my friend. That’s the end of the season now over here. But it all kicks off again in early August! Floors currently dry – honestly, we still have regular ‘flood’ meetings (including, I’m pleased to say, local authorities and Govt. agencies) with regard to the future. Tell Nicole that Amelia responds in kind – still the fattest cat in the neighbourhood, just discovered licking the oil from the frying pan!!

  6. Michael Harrison says:

    have you tried the passendale beer from the cheese factory ? it’s brewed at gravenstrafel. Also sold in the beer and chocolate shop near the cloth hall .


    absolutely delicious beer , a must try .

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