The Daily Postcard No. 29

A snowy scene today, from the Alpine front.  Austrians – ‘our brave Styrians & Carinthians’ – waiting to ambush advancing Italian troops below. 

The reverse, despite being unused, gives us a date, always useful, but if you can tell me exactly what the 10h means you get a Gold Star, and I don’t believe there have been any of those handed out since Felicity was awarded one for correctly identifying a mystery item a full year ago.

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54 Responses to The Daily Postcard No. 29

  1. Sid from Dahn Under says:

    First – the Italians are humorously known in war for not “advancing” so are those shown below in the Tyrolean Mountains really Italians?

    10h Here’s my try for a Gold Star – it means 10:00am (10 Uhr morgens)

    Digressing: those with the oft seen Geprüft stamped on them (in blue) means “Checked”

  2. John G says:

    No, actually the ’10h’ is the postal rate for the postcard, standing for 10 Heller.
    A Heller was a German coin valued at half a pfennig.

  3. Nick Kilner says:

    I’m going to go with the sale price of the card.

    • John G says:

      Ah, good point, that makes more sense, here I was thinking it was a pre-paid! So along with the card you’d also purchase a postage stamp for how ever many krone or heller and stick it over the top.

      • Sid from Dahn Under says:

        Oh dear – I think I’ve been gazumped – that’s what I like about these postcards, one never ceases to learn

        How about a new category Platinum Star MF, for being first out of the starting blocks?

        • Daisy in Indonesia says:

          I think your 10 Heller is right but I believe it’s the cost of postage depending on where it’s being sent?

  4. Magicfingers says:

    Well I reckon, with worthy efforts from John G & Sid & Daisy, that Nick takes the Star.

    • John G says:

      Aha, well done Nick. The new star for 2020!

      Hey Magicfingers, just how many of these wartime postcards have you collected? A very interesting insight into art, propaganda, satire and humour, of the times.

      • Magicfingers says:

        Oh, don’t get him started! He’ll be insufferable.
        I have a fair few cards, and frankly I have never counted them. Maybe a thousand? It’s not a huge collection – there are far far larger when it comes to the serious collectors. When I do count them, I will let you know, but I couldn’t agree more about the insight into all that you say, and more – that’s what got me collecting in the first place. I am not actually actively collecting at the moment – what I now have far exceeds what I hoped for when I started, so I only pick up cards these days on spec, if I happen to come across some, but I do have one or two mates who know what I like and still pick up stuff for me, which keeps the collection active, so to speak. Anyway, there’s enough to keep a Daily Postcard going for a whle yet. Until we are freed, or I get bored with scanning…..Lol!

      • Nick Kilner says:

        Thanks John, top marks (if you’ll pardon the pun) for naming the currency

  5. Sid from Dahn Under says:

    Boo Hoo – what about my Platinum Star?

    • Magicfingers says:

      I have yet to decide if first out of the blocks deserves anything, but I think I can guarantee it won’t be platinum. Maybe cork? Yes, cork. You are hereby awarded the first ever, and possibly the last ever, TBN Cork Star.
      See, Margaret, getting weird again……

      • Sid from Dahn Under says:

        Sorry mate – good try but not good enough – from circa 1966 I have been a paid up member of “The Cork Club” and still have my cork to show on demand to avoid an on-the-spot fine – hope you know this Club?

        Furthermore – and quite separately to The Cork Club, my maternal Grandmother was born in County Cork – and was a “rebel to the south” so proud as I am of what you offered, I demand better.

        BTW – hearty congratulations to Nick

        Bring on the next Comp

  6. Nick Kilner says:

    Well thank you kindly for bestowing this great honour upon me. However, I feel I must decline on a technicality. The question posed was “what does the 10h mean exactly?”, and whilst it seems I correctly guessed that it was the price tag of the card, as John G correctly stated the 10h actually means ’10 Heller’. Whilst I had made my guess before reading other comments, I did not know the actual currency until I read his comment. I therefore think that the only reasonable course of action is to declare a rollover! Plus if we don’t give that bloody colonial another chance we are never going to hear the end of it! hahahaha

  7. Margaret Draycott says:

    Yep weird……. somewhere in amongst all that we seem to have completely forgotten about the actual picture on the postcard, how can you write so much about 10h rubber stamped on the back of the card……who cares!!! and then to want an award….I think lockdown is having a strange affect on you all.
    Point raised about the Italians “lovers not fighters” anyway I like the card for the scenery but the thought of lying in that snow brrrrr no.

  8. Sid from Dahn Under says:

    That’s very noble of you Nick – I had a slight thought that John G’s comment might have brought on some lateral thinking which, as I understand, is one of the objectives of this lock down postcard series but you did first guess the correct answer so again, well done.

    These postcards are real corkers (oh dear – that word again) hopefully causing all of us to learn more about WW1 in a fun way thanks to MF. Not sure what his TBN means but I rather like the idea of “The Beaut New Cork Award” (that just popped up after polishing off a 1959 Dom Pérignon chilled in Margaret’s brrrr snow)

  9. Daisy in Indonesia says:

    What is everybody doing for ANZAC Day tomorrow?

    • Sid from Down Under says:

      Good question Daisy. Tomorrow (ANZAC Day) because of COVID-19 all Services are disallowed. Our Village is holding a two person “Remembrance” with everyone else invited to stand at their doorstep or on balcony from 10:55am while at our flagpole (with flag at half-mast since dawn) a bugler will play The Last Post – then 11:00am one minute silence followed by the bugler playing Rouse during which I, proudly wearing my medals, RSL badge and Veterans Pin, will raise the flag – then a couple of minutes later (to represent the end of the non-existent Service) lower the flag to half-mast. I return at noon to raise the flag to the mast head when at dusk our normal “Flag Marshall” lowers the flag for overnight (Every day we fly the Australian National flag plus during football season – currently COVID-closed – our two state AFL football team flags at mast head or half-mast depending whether they won or lost)

    • John G says:

      Here in Queensland my family has decorated our dark green front fence appropriately with red poppies, flags, ‘Lest We Forget’, and even some camouflage netting.
      We will muster at the entrance to our driveway ‘to Light Up the Dawn’ (candles, phones) and for a minute’s silence at 6am.
      We may have been instructed to ‘stay home’ but no bloody germ will stop we descendants of ANZACs from showing our respect and gratitude for service men and women of generations both past and present. Many of those currently serving are deployed overseas, and more still are deployed within Australia to assist in dealing with the current pandemic emergency, always in harm’s way.
      The (public-free, officials only) services such as the National Commemorative Service will commence at 5.30am and will be telecast and on the RSL Facebook page. Timings for the various services at other centres are posted online.

      • Daisy in Indonesia says:

        Very well done John G. and I presume many families around Australia and overseas will be doing a similar event in lieu of the real occasion. I’m looking forward to the news coverage tomorrow to see the initiative produced by Australians and New Zealanders to commemorate ANZAC Day. I’m sure there will be many fences like yours…

        Proud of you Sid and good luck tomorrow with your duties during this very unusual ANZAC Day.

        The Australian War Memorial has a recipe to make ‘Hard Tack Biscuits’, so many enjoyed on Gallipoli. I might give it a go tomorrow…

        The Australian War Memorial also has the National Service broadcast from 5 am on ABC TV. I’ll be up at 3 am Bali time to watch.

        Here’s a question for all to answer; Were there any Allied POWs located on Bali after the end of WW2?

        Lest We Forget

        • Sid from Down Under says:

          Hey MF – what allowed Daisy’s post to include a hyperlink? What’s the “trick” that I’m missing .. so I can post with hyperlinks?

        • Nick Kilner says:

          Hi Daisy,
          That would be a really interesting recipe to try. I’m guessing it’s more or less identical to the biscuit ration that was issued to British troops. I can’t imagine that there was much regional variation looking at the recipe. From what I understand they had to be soaked to be eaten, or that was the idea at least. I bake quite a bit and I’ve gotta say ANZAC biscuits are one of my absolute favourites when it comes to biscuits. They’re a regular in our house.

          • Sid from Down Under says:

            Yes Nick … ANZAC biscuits are very yummy – have you tried ANZAC Brownie slice? This amazing slice has a layer of oats, butter and golden syrup and a layer that tastes like the world’s best chocolate brownie. After a feed of Brownies you might need to go for a walk to work off the excess calorie intake LoL. Google recipe, sorry I can’t post hyperlinks

  10. John G says:

    ” how can you write so much about 10h rubber stamped on the back of the card……who cares!!! ”
    Well that’s because that was the question! It is interesting to some of us and had us scratching our heads.

    As for the picture, seeing as the Austrians have the high ground with overlooking good cover, plus surprise on their side, and it’s the Italians advancing uphill in heavy snow and fully exposed, well even if they were crack mountain troops, it’s a no-brainer as to how that ambush would most likely have turned out – IMO a rout of the Italians with many casualties, either dead or wounded and/or captured.

  11. Margaret Draycott says:

    Yes proud also of you Sid and John will be thinking of you tomorrow and the lads those who returned and those who didn’t. Have a desire to visit Gallipoli, as I visit the battlefields of France and Belgium, perhaps next year will be the year.

    Sorry John didn’t mean to offend just my sense of humour perhaps doesn’t convey well in script. Your right it was the question and the responses were both interesting and informative.

    • Sid from Down Under says:

      Hi Margaret –this is long but it’s a serious subject. I reckon all of us who respond to this blog are friends and friends don’t take offence – I can tell some experiences where my highly positioned political friends and I exchange ideas that sometimes differ but offence is NEVER taken. Personally I love MF’s blog – I’ve learned so much from MF and all his readers. That said, we may not always agree but me, I just “let it pass” and enjoy the positives.

      As for ANZAC Day and the disaster of COVID-19, the vast majority of Western Australian residents recognise the pandemic implications and want to follow our draconian State of Emergency measures. Our state borders are closed and we can’t travel outside internal designated regions within our vast state nor anywhere locally unless for designated essential purposes. Gatherings of more than two are prohibited. Very few irresponsible gung-ho types break the rules and fortunately the law has come down heavily on them.

      Right now I’m off to bed to arise for the Western Australian state-wide “virtual” streamed ANZAC Dawn Service at 6:00am our time – many of us will stand at our front, torches and candles ablaze because dawn is not until 6:19am. However because of the vastness of our state, dawn in our NE corner is 5:12am so we all have to compromise to the one state-wide time zone timing.

      Some of my neighbours have ANZAC decorations on the front of their homes and those with links, like me, to Albany in my state’s south (where the first ANZAC convoy left Australia for Gallipoli) will show extra special quiet respect while maintaining social distancing.

      I’m not aware of anyone here who wants to break the “lock down” laws – so far we’re beating this virus and we want to avoid a “second wave” (one interstate visitor law breaker has already been jailed and other selfish ones given hefty on-the-spot fines) – while we will respect those who fought for our freedom and way of life we know we must be sensible and do our best to protect our future especially for that of our children, grandchildren and (for me) great grandchild.

      At the completion of my Village’s two-man Service tomorrow I’ve decided before I lower the flag I’ll recite The Ode albeit to the bugler and wives who at a distance are guarding the several access points to our flagpole area so as to avoid fines and maintain the law against gatherings of more than two – despite the rules, village people are sure to turn up but to beat this virus we know, as unpalatable as it is, what we must do is what we must do. Also the boss will be watching!

      Lest We Forget

  12. John G says:

    A beautiful fine very still morning here in Qld as we stood at our gate, with the TV turned up loud and the front door open so we could hear the Last Post played! and hopefully the many neighbours up and down the road who turned out at their gates could also hear.
    Being NZ born so with a foot in each country I was thrilled to hear both the NZ and Australian anthems played and sung, beautifully.
    No offence taken Margaret! Yes if you can get to Gallipoli then do so. I went there for the 100th anniversary ANZAC commemorations in 2015, along with cousins from NZ and a group of Aussies, on a tour of the Dardenelles battlefields starting and finishing in Istanbul. It was a great experience to see what our ancestors had seen a hundred years earlier. I also thoroughly enjoyed Istanbul itself with its architecture, and those western parts of Turkey. I hope to do it all again some day taking my family with me.
    Best, John G

    • Margaret Draycott says:

      That must have been a very beautiful, moving and emotional commemoration this morning, your morning, all the more so because of the lockdown a peaceful time for contemplation. Time to think of all those young lives lost and those who returned never to be the same.
      I can never explain why but I have always felt compelled to visit Gallipoli, the friend I visit the battlefields with has been to Istanbul and has shown me photos, it’s architecture is beautiful. Our plans for this year will probably be cancelled and we will be looking to next year I will think very seriously about a visit to Gallipoli.
      NZ a country I am fond of only from what I have heard and read no personal experience, wish it was nearer.
      Take care stay safe.

  13. Sid from Down Under says:

    Carole and I started today at 6:00am listening to the Australian War Memorial ANZAC commemoration. Standing at the front of properties with candles was a resounding success in Perth and around Western Australia with likely more doing this than would normally be able to attend the official Perth Dawn Service at our State War Memorial up in Kings Park (observing the beautiful dawn over the Swan River and city). Our normal Dawn Service is consistently the largest in Australia with 40,000 attendees. Be interesting to see what happens next year. Today, some streets organised a highly modified Gunfire Breakfast by exchanging food over the fence with neighbours. This year’s commemoration is said to have brought together people in streets who would normally not know or speak with each other. A win-win all round. The March that normally takes place later in the morning, like everything else, is not allowed this year.

    My flag duties at our Village went off without a hitch. It was amazing at how many people came up afterwards to express their appreciation of my simple act. The bugler made the shortened commemoration something special. About 100 villagers gathered in several widely spaced groups around the flag pole area with others standing out front or on balconies. A wonderful professionally trained cake maker and decorator presented me and the lady who recited The Ode with a gift wrapped packet of Anzac Biscuits and Brownies. They were delightful with our afters coffee. I hope MF can come up with postcards that represent all this ?? Now there’s a task for you, mate.

    Your commemoration, 2 hours’ time difference ahead of ours, also sounded very special, John G. What did other readers do

    • Magicfingers says:

      No chance. Postcard 31 is the closest I could do.

      • Sid from Down Under says:

        Never say never – you’re sure to find one among your thousand or so …. keep lookin’ …. thou shalt succeed …. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
        (Winston Churchill)

        • Magicfingers says:

          I reckon the 1000 was a touch of an over-estimation………

          • Sid from Down Under says:

            Your reply above to John G on 23 April – which I copy and paste as follows – have you now counted them? What’s your revised figure?

            I have a fair few cards, and frankly I have never counted them. Maybe a thousand?

            With Churchill’s words pounding my brain I’ll email you some digital Anzac postcards

    • Margaret Draycott says:

      Your commemoration service Sid sounded perfect, very moving sent a shiver down my spine. I felt from your description Sid that perhaps the simplicity of the service and the coming together of the neighbours had more of a personal meaning this year. Without the big parade and dignitaries people could reflect quietly on there own thoughts and memories. Thankyou for sharing.

  14. Magicfingers says:

    Yes Sid, as I said, an over-estimation. No, I haven’t counted them yet but I have had to take a lot of them out of their albums to scan, and a pile of cards looks different to cards in albums. So let’s go for 500 instead, for the moment. And I think you will find that New Zealand troops, as I posted on ANZAC Day, happen to be ANZACS. Correct me if I am wrong.

    • Sid from Down Under says:

      I’ve sent you an email – yes of course NZ are part of Anzacs but my comment was related to the Australian.

      I still would like to know how Daisy was able to include a hyperlink (24 April above)

      Past my bedtime – I had a difficult wisdom tooth removed today and was ordered to miss out on my Sundowner this evening

      • Magicfingers says:

        Oh no! I empathise. I cannot answer your hyperlink question; you have posted many in the past that have worked fine so I have no idea.

  15. Margaret Draycott says:

    Ooh ouch sorry to hear about your tooth Sid, nasty things those wisdom teeth. Hope it heals quickly, and your able to have your sundowner …..whatever that is?

    • Sid from Down Under says:

      Thank you Margaret – it was not pleasant but I had a good dentist – my first tooth removal in 65 years.

      Sundowner – I wonder how many others wondered what this Colonial was talking about. It’s having an alcoholic drink around the time the sun goes down. This can be at home, in a pub, around a campfire when camping in the outback or simply pre-dinner drinks. Our Village, on a high hill, has a large outdoor deck overlooking the Indian Ocean. We sometime meet there to watch magnificent sunsets while enjoying a sundowner or three.

      • Nick Kilner says:

        Now that sounds like a splendid way to spend the evening! When I lived on the Isle of wight we use to head to the beach after work on warm summers evenings and sit round with a beer or three. I do miss those days

  16. Margaret Draycott says:

    That’s amazing Sid 65 years since your last tooth extraction. I understand now and how pleasant and civilised it sounds. Love the sound of your village and those views sound spectacular a lucky chap you are Sid.

  17. Margaret Draycott says:

    Now you’ve lost me again Sid what is WTBAIF&F friend?

    Just pulling some of my dads stuff together Nick so should have it over to you in next couple of days. Sending you the link to the 4th RTR and 7th diaries that have been uploaded.

  18. Margaret Draycott says:

    Oh stupid me just realised Sid and Thankyou and likewise

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