Category Archives: Messines

A Tour of the Messines Ridge Part Seven – Bethleem Farm West Cemetery

Across the road from Bethleem Farm East Cemetery Baldrick, still shell-shocked, attempts to clean the mud off his car with handfuls of grass!  No, it was never really going to work, now was it.

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A Tour of the Messines Ridge Part Six – Bethleem Farm East Cemetery

A story of commitment to the cause. “It’s down this track to the left”, says I to Baldrick as we drive south from Messines* searching for the next cemetery on our tour.  We turn off the main road and before … Continue reading

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A Tour of the Messines Ridge Part Five – The Kruisstraat Craters

One of two waterlogged mine craters that still exist at Kruisstraat.  A third crater has long since been filled in.

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A Tour of the Messines Ridge Part Four – Lone Tree Cemetery & the Pool of Peace

Just a few hundred yards west of Spanbroekmolen British Cemetery, a CWGC signpost points the way to our next stop, Lone Tree Cemetery.

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A Tour of the Messines Ridge Part Three – Peckham Farm Crater & Spanbroekmolen British Cemetery

On leaving Irish House Cemetery we must head back along the main road (far left) towards Wytschaete for a few hundred yards, before we follow the course of the front lines south.  The first of the mine craters blown on … Continue reading

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A Tour of the Messines Ridge Part Two – Irish House Cemetery

We are now a little over a mile west of Wytschaete, in an area that was just behind the British lines when the Battle of Messines began.  Our next stop, Irish House Cemetery, is just a short distance north of … Continue reading

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A Tour of the Messines Ridge Part One – Wytschaete Military Cemetery & 16th (Irish) Division & 36th (Ulster) Division Memorials

Our tour begins on the western fringes of the village of Wytschaete (now Wijtschate) at the cemetery that bears the village’s name (if you haven’t read the prologue to this tour, which includes a tour map and a brief background … Continue reading

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