Category Archives: Ploegsteert Wood

A Return to Prowse Point Military Cemetery

Looking north from the entrance to Prowse Point Military Cemetery towards Messines, or Mesen as it is now called, Messines Church visible on the horizon in the centre.  To get your bearings, particularly if you haven’t arrived here via the … Continue reading

Posted in Ploegsteert, Ploegsteert Wood | 7 Comments

A Tour of Ploegsteert Wood – Update

You may not believe it, but the updates to ‘A Tour of Ploegsteert Wood’ that I promised you a while back really have finally begun, and a new Part Nine has been added where we visit the British burials in Ploegsteert Village churchyard, … Continue reading

Posted in Ploegsteert, Ploegsteert Wood, South of Ploegsteert | Leave a comment

A Tour of Ploegsteert Wood Update

Update February 2012:  Once upon a time there was a trench map here with part of our route round Ploegsteert Wood marked on it. Now there isn’t. But if you click on the Trench Maps & Tour Maps links on … Continue reading

Posted in Ploegsteert, Ploegsteert Wood | Leave a comment

A Tour of Ploegsteert Wood Part Ten – Lancashire Cottage Cemetery

Lancashire Cottage Cemetery is situated about three quarters of a mile east of Ploegsteert Village along what was once the main route to the front lines, only a short distance down the road in front of the hamlet of Le Gheer (now simply Gheer).  Begun by … Continue reading

Posted in Ploegsteert, Ploegsteert Wood | 11 Comments

A Tour of Ploegsteert Wood Part Nine – Ploegsteert War Memorial & Churchyard

Apart from a few months during 1918, Ploegsteert Village remained behind the Allied lines throughout the First World War, troops moving up through the village towards the front lines to the north and east of Ploegsteert Wood.  Unsurprisingly, German artillery frequently targeted the … Continue reading

Posted in Belgian War Memorials, Ploegsteert, Ploegsteert Wood | 2 Comments

A Tour of Ploegsteert Wood Part Eight – Strand Military Cemetery

Trees on the western outskirts of Ploegsteert Wood loom above the Cross of Sacrifice at Strand Military Cemetery.

Posted in Ploegsteert, Ploegsteert Wood | 16 Comments

A Tour of Ploegsteert Wood Part Seven – The Ploegsteert Memorial, Hyde Park Corner (Royal Berks) Cemetery & Berks Cemetery Extension

Before we start this part of our tour, I should first mention that I have visited the Ploegsteert Memorial and its adjacent cemeteries a number of times in recent years, so you will forgive me, when blue skies suddenly turn to … Continue reading

Posted in Bunkers, Ploegsteert, Ploegsteert Wood, Shot at Dawn | 17 Comments