The Weekly Postcard No. 59

The penultimate Weekly Postcard features dreams of home and parting, which, as we all know, is such sweet sorrow.


And one for our very own Epsom Girl to finish.

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14 Responses to The Weekly Postcard No. 59

  1. Epsom Girl says:

    Awww, thank you! I love these!

  2. Nick Kilner says:

    Well aren’t they a soppy lot! hahaha
    I’m sure a good many fellas sent them off hoping it was enough to keep the candle burning for their return.

  3. Yeoman says:

    Great selection on this one! I’m going to post a link to it as an entry on my blog.

    • Magicfingers says:

      Trouble with your blog is that it takes up far too much of my time!!! Honestly, today I was looking at a newspaper you put up on 13th February 2019, and a small piece about a Wyoming miner whose house was blown up by other miners led me on to the tale of Frank Little and lynchings and all sorts of strife!! Most interesting. Thanks for linking, btw. And you have a fantastic section on Army Camps – not only do I have a small collection of postcards of Great War Army Camps, but did you see this recent post of mine:

  4. Margaret Draycott says:

    Great set of cards, underneath all that lies a great sadness though, how many young men who sent these kind of cards never did return, makes them all the more poignant, sorry for sounding a bit maudling.

    • Magicfingers says:

      Bearing in mind the general content of this site, I reckon being maudlin on occasions comes wth the territory. You are forgiven.

    • Nick Kilner says:

      Well said Margaret, I really shouldn’t have been so flippant. You are quite correct. We should be thinking of those who sent these cards, never again to see the face of the one they loved. There will have been many, of that we can be quite sure. Not forgetting the recipients, for whom the waiting must have been unbearable

  5. Margaret Draycott says:

    Your right M. Wasn’t meaning to chastise Nick, don’t know why just that this set of cards made me think more of the sender behind them and your right of course the agony of waiting for the recipient.

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