Following the Lys north east, after a couple of miles we arrive in Wervik, another town that, like Comines, straddles the river. This is the war memorial in the northern, Belgian part of Wervik, and like all of these memorials along the Franco-Belgian border, it commemorates both military and civilian casualties from both World Wars.
Update September 21st 2011: Baldrick reports that the memorial has GONE!! One would hope that ‘moved’ will turn out to be the correct verb, but until we hear from Mrs Baldrick, who has offered to conduct the search, the mystery will remain unsolved.
Update August 2014: Baldrick now tells me that it is in storage until after the new Wervik bridge is built. We shall see.
Update June 2016: No further updates!!
Update January 2020: Try clicking here.
Click here for Part Four.
Update 2023: the statue is back. It is positioned near de church tower. The commemorative plaque is to be seen in the tower itself, ground level.
Lol! Further update 2023: Now, I have seen the repositioned memorial:
but what I was unaware of was the whereabouts of the old panels. I did wonder if they had been destroyed (stranger things have happened). So I am very grateful that you have told me, particularly as I am back in Wervik, for the first time since January 2020, at the end of April. You have also ‘reminded’ me to update this old post and add a belated link to the newer one. So you’ve made my day! Thank you very much indeed.
Which I have now done. Thanks again. I don’t know whether it’s of interest, but there are other posts on Wervik & Wervicq-Sud (the memorial, the German cemetery – a huge tour of – and the monument in the woods……) on my site. There is a ‘Wervik & Wervicq-Sud’ link near the end of the Categories list on the right of the screen.