Anzac’s Rest

While we were visiting Polygon Wood during last weekend’s Flanders trip, I decided it was high time I introduced myself to a certain Johan Vandewalle, who runs this bar near the north western corner of the wood.  Now Johan has many stories to tell, one of which I promised I would post a link to here, so without further ado, check out Johan’s excellent website concerning a project very close to his heart.
You’ll be glad you did: Brother-In-Arms.

The Zonnebeke Five (plus one) in Buttes New British Cemetery.

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6 Responses to Anzac’s Rest

  1. Sid from Down Under says:

    Glad I saw the little Anzac’s Rest arrow in French Flanders – Nieppe Communal Cemetery – leading to Brothers In Arms – that was so poignant. I’ve just had to copy and paste part of it here

    In total 5 Australian soldiers are excavated. The last Australian body however, is to make an everlasting impression on all who were involved, and would later be identified as Australian Private 3504 John Hunter.

    The body of John Hunter was not thrown in the grave like the other four bodies.
    Clearly, someone had taken great care in laying him down to rest in peace.

    Research led to the family in Australia, who confirmed that the story in the family was that John – or Jack as he was known in the family – had been buried by his younger brother Jim.

    • Magicfingers says:

      There’s more about this story I shall tell you about at some point, Sid. Remind me. By the way, you should have had an email notification of the Anzac’s Rest post. Check back in your emails.

  2. Sid from Down Under says:

    I look forward to “more to the story” …… I don’t have any record of Anzac’s Rest notification – the mysteries of cyberspace ….. incidentally you first posted Anzac’s Rest on 26 January. Were you aware that is the date we celebrate “Australia Day” (albeit, for a variety of reasons, a controversial date but that’s another story)

  3. Sid from Down Under says:

    Yep – email safely received – I have it sitting in my Inbox to go back to because your Post is more like the length of a book. So much to read and absorb. You are doing one mighty job there MJS

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