German Hand Grenades of the Great War – The Stielhandgranate M1917

June 2024: Better late than never.  Or, at least, I hope so.  A brand new post can now be found here: The Stielhandgranate M1917.

(September 2021: For those of you arriving here via some far-off link, this post is currently being replaced by a new updated version.  Try again in a few months’ time – I’ll put a link here to the new post as and when).

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3 Responses to German Hand Grenades of the Great War – The Stielhandgranate M1917

  1. John H Marsh says:

    It’s December 31st, 2023 more than two years since you promised to post about the M15 stick grenade.

    • Magicfingers says:

      You are right John. There is a post which is half started, or half finished if you prefer, that will combine M1915, M1916 & M1917 all in one. But it is easier to work on other stuff, frankly, ‘cos, as I suspect you well know, the Stielhandgranate is not the simplest of subjects!! So, you are right, and I shall turn my attention to it over the next few months. I really, really, really will.

    • Magicfingers says:

      New post published, John. Link above.

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