French Flanders: A Return to Erquinghem-Lys Churchyard Extension

The last time we visited Erquinghem-Lys Churchyard Extension it was a grey, overcast summer’s day.

This time it’s a beautifully clear and bitingly cold January morning, frost still hanging on in the shadows, as it would do all day.

There were a couple of good reasons for a return to Erquinghem.

One was to photograph some graves that I missed last time, although the incident that caused these two German airmen’s deaths was related in the previous Erquinghem post, so you’ll have to refer to that for the details.

I was later very kindly given this book about Josef Suwelack.

And these are the three Royal Army Medical Corps men, Staff Serjeant E. C. Allport in the centre, flanked by Serjeants J. Pollock on the left and Serjeant George Henry Male on the right, who were killed by a German shell whilst fishing in the river on 27th June 1915.

Another interesting headstone that I failed to spot previously, three members of the Johnstone family who lost their lives serving the colours are remembered here.

And in case you hadn’t noticed, the grass has grown successfully back since we were last here, and all looks fine and dandy now.

The other reason was to meet Jack Thorpe and his colleague Robert Poissonnier, to discuss all things La Rolanderie Farm.

Which we duly did.

If you arrived here as part of the Armentières to La Gorgue tour, click here to return from whence you came.

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4 Responses to French Flanders: A Return to Erquinghem-Lys Churchyard Extension

  1. Nick says:

    I look forward to the next instalment, it really is a fascinating place

  2. Katie Panko says:

    I am the granddaughter of George Henry Male RAMC. I was not aware that he was fishing in the river with the two other Sergeants when they lost their lives on June 27 1915 in the churchyard. I will add this to the family records to keep his memory alive . Thank you for sharing this information. It is truly appreciated.

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