The Daily Postcard No. 31

Two cards, similar images, differing emotions.  Here the damnable Boche enter Amiens at the end of August 1914.  Boo!  Hiss! 

And here New Zealand (Zeeland, if you prefer) troops arrive in France in 1916.  Hooray!  Hurrah!

Today, especially, at the going down of the sun, we will remember them.

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5 Responses to The Daily Postcard No. 31

  1. Nick Kilner says:

    Splendid cards. Added to which I’ve added to my mental library of useless pearls of information today after a quick google of the origin of the name New Zealand, or Zeeland, as a result of your literary poke in the brain. Thank you for that 😉
    Hats off to these fine fellows, and a hearty thanks for all the help and sacrifices they gave. As the saying goes, and I must say its one of the most fitting in my humble opinion ‘all gave some, some gave all’

  2. Margaret Draycott says:

    Yes like that saying nick kinda covers it. Great cards showing the contrast invaders and liberators. Awww but can’t do boo hiss, well just a little, however misguided the German soldier thought he was fighting for his country and a cause
    We will remember

  3. Nick Kilner says:

    If you’ll forgive my tardiness, I’d like to return for a moment if I may, to Anzac Day (in a manner of speaking). One of the songs we all associate with Australia is of course Waltzing Matilda, which I must say I have always liked. Now back in the 1970’s an American singer, songwriter by the name of Tom Waits took a couple of lines from that song and did something remarkable with them. Now I have to say, and MF will probably lynch me for this, but I do prefer the version Rod Stewart released in in 1992.
    Since hearing it for the first time about a decade ago I’ve often wondered what the Australians think of it, assuming some at least are aware of its existence.
    If you have no idea what I’m talking about, the song is called ‘Tom Traubert’s Blues’ (look for the Rod Stewart version 😉 )
    Over to Sid and Daisy on this one.

    • Magicfingers says:

      Well, the very first live gig I ever went to was The Faces in a local pub hall, and as Rod was their lead singer at the time, I have always had a soft spot for him, so no lynching. However, if I may add a little something, there is a link between Baldrick & Tom Waits, and if either of them ever read this blog, they’d probably explain what it is……

      • Nick Kilner says:

        Well now I’m intrigued! As well as feeling rather fortunate not to be walking the plank lol. He is a legend, but then so is Tom. A little too much gravel on this one for my taste from Tom though, any more and he could have tarmacked our street. The phrase “ghosts who sell memories” lingers in my mind. Is it a reference to soldiers selling their medals? Or women selling themselves? He mentions both soldiers and sailors, and old men in wheelchairs (just noticed that rhymed, which is nice), and I can’t help feeling he struck a chord which perhaps crosses so many generations. But perhaps I see what I want to see, and just perhaps to Tom ‘Waltzing Matilda’ has an entirely different connotation. Either way, it a belter, as my father would say

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