Aldershot Military Cemetery Part Five

Immediately behind the Cross of Sacrifice, at the top of the hill of headstones we explored last post, is Plot AA.  Continue reading

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Aldershot Military Cemetery Part Four

The majority of Great War burials in the cemetery, 454 in total, are to be found here, in Plot AF.  Continue reading

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Aldershot Military Cemetery Part Three

We ended the last post paying our respects at the Great War graves up on the hill in the background of this shot, and this time we’ll take a brief look at the burials down here in Plot A.  Continue reading

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Aldershot Military Cemetery Part Two

There are around seven hundred Great War graves in this cemetery, seventy of which are to be found among the burials here in Plot R.  Continue reading

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German & Austro-Hungarian Official Field Postcards

Great War postcards are strange creatures.  They allow us the most personal of insights into the men and women who wrote them, and yet at the same time they represent one of the largest military administrative operations ever seen, considering the millions & millions of letters and cards sent to and from soldiers on active service across the different armies throughout four years of war.  We’ve seen the standard British & French cards before (link at the end) but this post we shall take a look at some official Central Powers field postcards – ‘feldpostkarten’ – from my collection which I show you not for any great aesthetic reason, nor for their written content, particularly as I guess none of us can read them, but rather to show what information one can glean from them if you have an idea of what you are looking for, language difficulties notwithstanding.  It might be more interesting than you think.  Continue reading

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A Subaltern’s Lot

So, young man, you think you have what it takes to be a subaltern in the King’s Army? Continue reading

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Aldershot Military Cemetery Part One

Aldershot – ‘The Home of the British Army’.  At the start of 1855, with the Crimean War still more than a year from its conclusion, the Army began constructing its first bespoke, as we might say today, training camp in Aldershot, here in Hampshire.  And, as is the nature of things, an army camp requires a cemetery, the first burial being made here in August 1856.  Continue reading

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