Truro Cathedral – Boer War & World War Memorials



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2 Responses to Truro Cathedral – Boer War & World War Memorials

  1. Paul Nixon says:

    Great photos. I was in the cathedral earlier today and took almost identical photos to the ones that you took. However, yours are far better quality. Interesting to see the pile of chairs in front of Agar-Robartes’ memorial. They were there today (two stacks)but I moved them so they were out of shot. I do wish churches and cathedrals wouldn’t do this and use their places of worship/remembrance as a dumping ground for furniture clutter.

    • Magicfingers says:

      You are too kind, Paul. Here’s a funny thing. I drove through Truro at about 6.00 this evening, and it’s a long way from my home. And I only saw your comment for the first time a few minutes ago.

      Why on earth didn’t I move those chairs?!

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