Grangegorman Military Cemetery – Part Six


In front of the Grangegorman Memorial stand 83 headstones, memorials to British First World War dead who are actually buried in Cork Military Cemetery, but whose graves there could not, for various reasons, be properly maintained.  Perhaps one day men and headstones will be reunited. 

Not a lot to annotate here.  The photos are what they are.  The Grangegorman (Cork) Memorial Headstones:

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Looking across at Section D from the memorial headstones.

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

The Grangegorman Memorial.  The panels are inscribed with the names of British servicemen who gave their lives in two World Wars, are buried elsewhere in Ireland, but whose graves cannot be maintained.

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Before we leave, a couple of photos of Section K, which contains burials of military personnel from considerably later than elsewhere in the cemetery.

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

This view looks north from the centre of Section K towards the rows of CWGC headstones of Section D.  The three headstones to the left are the three in the final row of the memorial headstones that we have already visited.

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Headstones of Section K, the Grangegorman Memorial, and the Grangegorman (Cork) Memorial Headstones.

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

And that, as they say, is all, folks.  One final view (below) back near the cemetery entrance looking across towards Section D, and we must take our leave.  A most interesting place, to my mind, Grangegorman Military Cemetery.  And I hope you found it so too.

Grangegorman Military Cemetery

Huge thanks again to Ray Bateson for taking the time to show me round the cemetery before his tour party arrived (the eagle-eyed amongst you will have spotted them in a couple of the photos on this tour), allowing me to spend the next two hours getting most of the photos I wanted.

This entry was posted in Dublin Cemeteries with Great War Burials, U.K. Churches, Memorials & Cemeteries - Back in Blighty. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Grangegorman Military Cemetery – Part Six

  1. Trent says:

    What honestly influenced u to post “Grangegorman Military Cemetery –
    Part Six | With the British Army in Flanders”?
    I actuallyseriously liked the post! Thanks ,Yukiko

  2. Magicfingers says:

    A tenuous link perhaps, but I guarantee you that some of the soldiers buried here and in Cork received their wounds in Flanders before being evacuated to hospitals in Ireland where they subsequently died. Glad you liked the post anyway.

  3. john says:

    thank you ,I enjoyed the photes and now hope to visit there soon

  4. John says:

    Another john? This could get confusing save for my capital “J”. I may need to apply for my own icon.

  5. Magicfingers says:

    Indeed you may. I am intrigued as to what you might choose.

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