World War II in Flanders Fields

Twenty nine months on, and at last I found myself back on the battlefields again. 

Second World War battlefields, this time, 1940 vintage.  We visited flat lands that once saw advancing German panzers,…

…and flat lands that once saw unspeakable actions,…

…and flat lands that offered no cover whatsoever to men desperate to get home.

Some of us walked – battered by wind and sand – the Mole at Dunkirk (see also first photo),…

…the boneyard – and it still is, as a return walk through the dunes revealed – of the Dunkirk beaches on our right,…

…before visiting the Dunkirk Memorial and its associated cemetery.

There were Great War finds too,…

…and war memorials,…

…an amazing discovery one evening after a pre-supper trek to a French municipal cemetery,…

…and a look around the CWGC premises in Arras, too.

We visited whatever this might be,…

…beneath which we found vast, grey, concrete tunnels,…

…smaller tunnels, carved through the chalk,…

…tunnels seemingly unfinished,…

…and huge machines of unknown intent.

And we paid our respects where respects were due.  I’ll tell you all about it in the fullness of time, if you like.

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18 Responses to World War II in Flanders Fields

  1. Morag L Sutherland says:

    You must feel a real sense of returning home. . Welcome to all the new posts

  2. John Tucker says:

    A great trip with good company. John Coghlan, Aldershot, September 16th 8pm £18

    • Magicfingers says:

      Couldn’t agree more John, thoroughly enjoyed it – and yes, I had totally forgotten about the Coghlan gig (doh!), so appreciate the reminder. It’s on the calendar.

  3. Nick kilner says:

    I like! Really looking forward to hearing more.

  4. Brian McTighe says:

    I see you went to La Coupole. Looking forward to that report.

  5. Margaret Draycott says:

    Looks like you had an interesting and busy time look forward to the reports

  6. Jon T says:

    Looking forward to all this MF !

  7. Daisy in Melbourne Australia says:

    Aaahhh. Feels like a long lost friend has returned. I’ve been so bored… can’t wait for more.

  8. sendergreen says:

    I think that gear in the tunnel is the time machine you’ve used to take us through history for all these years. Well camouflaged sir.

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