Post Update No. 4 – Bedford House Cemetery

An update to a post that was first published over thirteen years ago, mainly because I have always been aware that when I visited I had missed, among many, one particular grave that I should have photographed, and which I have now been able to put right thanks to one of you kind people.  I have also added some extra text and a few other bits and pieces, and removed those tables that I used to include in the early days (anyone remember them?) that related to the headstone photographs in the post, and although it’s still hardly comparable to tours of more recent years, it’s better than nothing, and certainly better than it was, if I say so myself.  All will be revealed by clicking here.

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5 Responses to Post Update No. 4 – Bedford House Cemetery

  1. Morag L Sutherland says:

    Well I missed VC last year when we visited this most beautiful cemetery. I see reference to Railway Dugouts are you updating that also? There are local men buried there both fought with CEF. we paid our respects annually. I will read the existing post. Thank you

  2. Magicfingers says:

    Hello Morag. I shall read through the Railway Dugouts post at some point and decide if it needs an update. All depends, of course, on whether I have anything to add to it!

  3. Morag L Sutherland says:

    One of local chaps is in circular plot at entrance. The other is on Menin Gate. There is an known unto God grave where his fellow soldiers are buried. I have all information on file courtesy of Dries in Flanders Field so I am sure my Brora boy is in that grave although I cannot actually prove it .

    • Magicfingers says:

      Very frustrating, that. Looking quickly at the Railway Dugouts post, I think any update would probably be simply removing those old tables I used to include, and adding the information they contained to the text. I don’t think I have anything new to add or other photos to add to it, but sometimes things crop up as I update, which happened with Bedford House, so we shall see. Looking at the comments on the post, people seem to like it anyway!

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