Post Update No. 5 – Railway Dugouts Burial Ground (Transport Farm)

Just like London buses, you wait for ages, and then two turn up almost at once.  Here’s another updated post from way back for you, and this one has had a major overhaul.  You can see what you think by clicking here.

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2 Responses to Post Update No. 5 – Railway Dugouts Burial Ground (Transport Farm)


    Like many of the cemeteries I have visited, this one is also beautifully maintained.I have been to Coriano Ridge Cemetery in Italy twice for Armistice Day to visit my father`s cousin`s tomb. He was killed in April 1945 while serving as Military Police. The cemetery contains 1500 men 500 of whom are Canadians.Reading the epitaphs whilst walking along the rows of tombs is heartbreaking,So many brave young men who made the final sacrifice.At the end of August I visited La Somme in northern France to find the names of my family on the Thiepval Memorial which commemorates no fewer than 72,000 missing men who were killed in WW1 After 7 days of visiting the battlefiels, cemeteries and museums one is simply overwhelmed by the sheer scale and carnage of this war. May all our courageous men who gave their lives for us , rest in peace. Lest We Forget,

    • Magicfingers says:

      Well said Caroline. I hope you have checked out the Thiepval posts on this website too? Thanks ever so for commenting.

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