A Tour of Zillebeke Part Thirteen – Hill 60 Part One


Sun and snow on Hill 60, January 2013. 


Our trip to Hill 60 begins in the village of Zillebeke, where this signpost in the centre of town leaves us in no doubt in which direction we need to go.


He’s looking very serious, don’t you think?  But then again Hill 60 is a pretty serious place once you get to know what happened here.


One of the disadvantages of a snowy day; this information plaque gives a brief outline of the fighting that took place on the hill.  Unfortunately it’s not very easy to read despite our attempts at snow clearance, so here’s a potted history of the main actions that took place on, and beneath, Hill 60:

In December 1914 the Germans forced the French off the hill, and despite attempts to recapture it, which included exploding a number of small mines, when the British returned to this sector in February 1915 the hill was still in German hands.  On the evening of April 17th 1915 the British fired five mines beneath the German positions on the hill and quickly took the craters and shattered remains of the German trenches. Despite furious German counter attacks over the next few days, the British held the hill, the award of no less than four Victoria Crosses (three to the East Surreys) perhaps giving an insight into the intensity of the fighting.  Although the British, despite almost continuous enemy attacks, remained in control of Hill 60 for the next couple of weeks, on 5th May, a final German gas attack succeeded in forcing the exhausted troops to abandon their trenches and the Germans retook the hill.  Although almost continually fought over, it would remain in their hands for more than two years until 7th June 1917, when the furthest north of the nineteen mines that heralded the start of the Battle of Messines would erupt beneath the German positions and once again the British would retake what remained of the hill.

Hill 60 Trench Map

This trench map from April 1917, less than two months before the Battle of Messines, shows the German trench system in red; the earlier craters on Hill 60 are clearly marked.


Before we find our way on to the hill proper, there are a number of memorials here, one of which, just next to the entrance, we really ought to visit first.


This is the memorial to the 1st Australian Tunneling Company, whose name has become synonymous with Hill 60.


An information board, just visible to the left of the previous photo, gives a brief history of their activities here; there is so much information available about the exploits of the tunnellers, British, Canadian, Australian and German, beneath Hill 60, either in books, on the net, or even on film, that I leave it to you to satisfy your curiosity should you wish to do so.


The memorial itself bears the scars of a later conflict.


During the Second World War these bullet holes defaced the memorial.


Now they have become part of its history.


And so on to Hill 60 itself.  Mine craters and shell holes, edges softened by time, and today by snow, litter the surface of the hill.  Under our feet the remains of hundreds of men still lie where they fell in and around trenches long gone, pulverized by artillery fire, or where they were entombed in underground tunnels all those years ago.  It’s difficult, impossible even, to imagine the horrors that thousands of men, human beings like you and me, with their own lives and loves and thoughts and hopes, experienced on this small piece of Flanders Fields.


Above and following photos: Before the British took over this sector in February 1915, the French exploded a number of small mines in their attempts to retake Hill 60, evidence of which is still visible in these craters that are encountered on first setting foot on the hill.



Hill 60 Panorama 4


Hill 60, called as such as its height was 60 metres above sea level, is not a natural feature. It was formed from the excavated spoil when the cutting for the Ypres – Comines railway was dug in the 1860s.

Hill 60 Panorama 3

Above & photos below: The site of the furthest north of the nineteen mines exploded by the British on 7th June 1917 on the opening day of the Battle of Messines.  Interestingly, due to the network of underground tunnels that still allow water to drain away quickly, this is the only one of the craters that always remains dry; even the crater to be found on the Caterpillar, another spoilheap just south of the railway here, is water-filled.


Both mines were actually begun by the Royal Engineers in August 1915, nearly two years before they would be detonated.


In April 1916 Canadian tunnellers took over from the Royal Engineers, before the Australians, whose job was to protect the mines from discovery by the Germans, took over from them towards the end of 1916.  The underground galleries would become death traps for many an Australian or German tunneller, but the Germans were never able to find the exact locations of the mines.


It’s difficult to get an idea of the depth of the 1917 mine crater from these pictures, but perhaps this view taken looking up from the bottom gives some idea.



The remains of German pillboxes, shattered when the mine was detonated, are still visible near the edge of the crater; of the strongpoint that stood directly above the mine itself, nothing remains.



Above & photos below: Surely the most photographed pillbox in Flanders, this bunker faces east, and was built on top of an existing German bunker by Australian engineers early in 1918.





The walls must be at least three feet thick, which perhaps partly explains why it still appears to be in such good condition.  On 15th April 1918 Hill 60 was evacuated as the Germans made their final attempt to take Ypres, but was regained with relative ease on 28th September, as the final Allied advance pushed the Germans inexorably east.



Hill 60 Bunker Panorama


View looking south east past the bunker (towards the right of the photo).

Hill 60 Panorama 2

Panoramic view, taken standing on top of the bunker, looking north east on the left to south east on the right.


Another memorial, this time to the men of Queen Victoria’s Rifles, with an inscription that is worth reading (below).




Much earlier I said that Hill 60 is a serious place, and I hope by now you understand, if you didn’t before, why I said that.  And yet with snow on the ground the slope below the memorial provides good sledging for the local kids, and I like to think that the men who fought here might approve that the sounds of another generation’s laughter now echo across this once-tragic place.


Above & below: Evidence of more blockhouses.




Above & below: Back amongst the early French mine craters near the entrance to the hill…


…Baldrick takes a final photograph…

Hill 60 Panorama 1

…before it’s time to bid farewell.

Hill 60

I cannot remember where I got this aerial photograph, so if I am infringing someone’s copyright I apologise in advance and will remove it forthwith.  Taken, I suspect, in the 1960s, you can clearly see the Queen Victoria’s Rifles memorial near the centre of the hill, and the Australian Tunnellers & 14th Light Division (see below) memorials to the far right.  You can also see the site of Caterpillar Crater within the woods on the far side of the railway cutting.


Another view of the Australian Tunnellers memorial…


…before we visit yet another memorial, this time commemorating the men of the 14th Light Division.





Time to cross the railway and take a look at the Caterpillar Crater in the woods to the south.  Wait for me Balders!


Even here at the bottom of the hill, it’s not difficult to see why Hill 60 was a strategically important position for the Germans; from here they could see pretty much every movement made by the British between here and Ieper (Ypres) in the distance.


On our way, this small memorial remembers two victims of the Nazis during the Second World War.  Arrested by the Gestapo in Lille, their bodies were thrown, I believe, from a passing train, and found on the railway track here below the bridge.


This view looks north west from the railway bridge; Ieper is visible on the horizon, and the trees much nearer to us to the far left grow on the third of the spoil heaps made when the railway cutting was excavated back in the 19th Century.  This was known as the Dump during the First World War, you can see it marked on the trench map, and we shall see more of it when we visit Larch Wood Cemetery a little later.


Looking south east from the railway bridge, Hill 60 to the left, Battle Wood and the Caterpillar, our next stop, to the right.

Hill 60 from south Panorama

Having crossed the bridge we take a final look back across the railway line towards Hill 60, looking beautiful in the snow, but for the best part of three years a place of death and unbelievable horror.  Never forget.

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16 Responses to A Tour of Zillebeke Part Thirteen – Hill 60 Part One

  1. Baldrick says:

    Splendid post Sir.

  2. Magicfingers says:

    Much appreciated, Balders old man. Couldn’t have done it without you.

  3. Sid Breeden says:

    MJS – your magic photos, captions and history continue to enthrall me – keep ’em coming!

  4. P Yates says:

    Thank you. My great-grandfather served here with the 225th Field Company, Royal Engineers. We were lucky – he came home. I can only imagine the horrors he saw – and never spoke of.

    Hopefully we are going to be able to visit Hill 60 next year (2014)

  5. Magicfingers says:

    Mm, nice shoe. I sometimes think that we spend so much time remembering those who died we forget those who managed to make it through (it’s a concern I have with the four years of commemoration coming up soon). So I’m glad to hear that your great grandfather made it, and hope you manage to get to Hill 60 next year.

  6. Stocktonlad says:

    Great Photo reportage of Hill 60. My Grandfather was also in 225th and was at Zillebeke – he also came home. I’m researching the 225th & would love to touch base with P Yates – don’t know how this can be done! I haven’t been to Flanders yet but have “followed” the 225th around France.

  7. Magicfingers says:

    Thanks! If you are happy for me to pass on your email address I could see if I can contact P. Yates. Lmk.

  8. David Delamotte says:

    Very nice post! I am currently in planning stage of a trip to this area to commemorate the 100th anniversary of my grandfathers wounding while serving with the 203rd Field Company, Royal Engineers on 28 Sep 1918. Thank God he survived and emigrated to the US in 1923. Any suggestions concerning knowledgeable guides and accommodations would be much appreciated.

    Thanks, Dave

    • Denis Rigg says:

      Hi David
      I toured the Flanders battlefields last year following where my Grandfather was (he was in the 225th Fld Coy RE – “Stockton’s Own”). We based ourselves in Ypres and can recommend B&B Het Houten Paard, Bukkersstraat 10, 8900 Ypres, Belgium for accommodation. I went to Zillebeke as the 225th used the lake to practise pontooning. I used the book “Before Endeavours Fade” by Rose E. B. Coombs to locate the places I wanted to visit on my various daily excursions. I then used a road map to get to them. The book gives good routes and interesting details.

      • David says:


        Thanks for the recommendations. I very much look forward to walking the ground where he fought and bled. From being wounded as an RE assisting 104th Infantry Brigade on night raid on German trenches on 14-15 Jul 18 to him being seriously wounded by artillery shell during Final Advance on 28 Sep. I knew he was wounded during the war but didn’t realize 3 of his section mates were KIA during his wounding. He never mentioned that but was able to ascertain that from 203rd War Diary.

    • Magicfingers says:

      Hello Dave. Thanks for your kind words. Denis has very kindly answered better than I can! But what I can tell you, as you enjoyed this post, is that another HUGE Hill 60 post – plenty more to write about – will be published here before you go away, and possibly quite soon. There is also a complete tour of the Zillebeke area – all the cemeteries – already on this site, and as Hill 60 is only two miles away from the Menin Road, there are plenty of places to see there too, and plenty of posts about them here. Happy to discuss if you wish?

  9. Lynda McCoy says:

    Hi not sure why I haven’t seen your excellent hill 60 post before as I have googled hill 60 so many times it’s unbelievable. My great great uncle’s body was found in 1935 just on the bottom right corner of your 1960s photo. For many years his name John Richard Lorriman, was on the Menin Gate, he served with the 2nd Battalion Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry and was killed in the early hours of 7th May 1915 when he was part of yet another effort to retake Hill 60, I’ve found other people looking for missing online but I’ve only come across one other named body found near him, Sydney Barker also koyli, I like to think he was a friend of my uncles, but a number of unknown were found buried near him I believe these will also be in his regiment and died that night also. So any Hill 60 information is always of interest to me. Many thanks

    • Magicfingers says:

      Lynda, very interesting, many thanks for commenting. It goes to show that however many times the battlefields were checked after the war – and believe me, they were – only a percentage of the bodies could be found, hence the many men found in the decades since. Incidentally, there are five (four, really) posts on this site about Hill 60 in total; check the alphabetical list on the right of every page and click on ‘Hill 60’ would be my advice!

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