Christmas Greetings

Somewhere, the future’s brighter.  Have a safe one, folks.

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8 Responses to Christmas Greetings

  1. Margaret Draycott says:

    You too M and to all your followers have a good Christmas with hope for a better 2021.

  2. Daisy in Indonesia says:

    Hey magicfingers,

    All the very best wishes for a Merry Christmas to you, your family and the millions of readers of the BigNote.

    Boris has his Brexit deal from Santa. Hope you receive what you wished for too!

    I have a couple of Ww1 Christmas themed silk postcards with the little message card inside saying ‘Thinking of you at Christmas time.’ They were sent by my great grand uncle to my grandmother in 1916 and 1917. Really nice just to look at them and wonder about the circumstances in France at the time and the sentiments revealed.

    Joyeux Noël,

  3. JOHN says:

    Merry Christmas to all, and best wishes for a better year in 2021.
    Here in Down Under we hope that you lot in the UK will get Covid-19 under control sooner rather than later as things look a bit dicey currently from this end of the planet. (And in any case we look forward to being able to visit the UK again to once more immerse ourselves in the UK’s military history). Roll out the vaccine(s)!
    Stay safe everyone.
    Thanks to Magicfingers for a great series of 2020 postings, most interesting.

  4. Nick Kilner says:

    Have a very happy Christmas one and all!
    This time last year few people could have foreseen such a world changing series of events, which is probably the same thing they were saying on Christmas Day in the trenches in 1914. Hopefully our ‘fight’ will be much shorter one than theirs was.
    Keep your heads down, stay safe out there and don’t forget to take your daily rum ration!
    Best wishes everyone

  5. Epsom Girl says:

    Merry Christmas everyone! Let’s hope we all get what we wish for in 2021 and stay healthy!

  6. sendergreen says:

    A late find, and a much belated wish for everyone’s New Year to brighten up !

    God bless us, everyone!

  7. Magicfingers says:

    Yeah, well said, thanks all for your Christmas & New Year wishes, folks.

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